Friday, October 20, 2006

The terrorists are playing four-square

On (click here) there's a story about a GOP terrorism ad. Basically the ad features pictures of Osama bin Laden et al speaking (but with no sound), while quotes from them are displayed on the screen, all to the sound of a ticking clock. The quotes include such stuff as, "With God's permission we call on everyone who believes in God ... to comply with His will to kill the Americans." And as the text of the quote fades away, the words "kill the Americans" remain.

The story goes on to note that:
Meanwhile, footage of terrorists engaged in martial arts and weapons training rolls in the background. One scene shows terrorists traversing monkey bars over fire.
Do I need to point out the idiocy of this? Martial arts? That's really what we're worried about, Osama bin L.'s kung-fu death grip, with spring-chop action? And "terrorists traversing monkey bars over fire"? That's supposed to strike fear into the hearts of voters and get them to vote Republican this coming midterm election?

I suppose if the playground of my elementary school is ever firebombed by terrorists then I'll be in trouble. Otherwise I think we can handle a little jujitsu and jungle-gym firewalking.

But wait ... what if they develop suicide jumping-off-the-swings technology?


Jake Freedom said...

I'm just happy to hear that martial arts has not been completely abandoned in war training. If Bin Laden is training a specialized unit of Fundemantalist Muslim Ninjas, you bet your ass I'm scared.

Hunter R. Slaton said...

It's like al-Qaida is becoming Cobra.

Anonymous said...

Or more like Cobra Khan. They'll put us all in a body bag if we don't panic.

Anonymous said...

No, it's Cobra for sure. They were even called a "terrorist organization." Osama Bin Laden = Serpentor, Ayman al Zawhri = Destro.

Chu said...

Yeah, I think the monkey bars is old footage, too. They've progressed to hopping through tires at this point.

Anonymous said...

Just bullshit, they use the news as a way to try and brainwash people and unfortunately sometimes it actually works.